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Listuguj Mi'gmaq Development Centre

We provide guidance and supports for career opportunities that empower Listuguj Mi'gmaq

About Us

We help develop an independent, skilled Mi'gmaq Labour Force through employment and training initiatives by affirming Mi'gmaq values aimed to foster relationships with self, others and the environment.


Guides and creates personal direction towards education and employment



Creates a direction towards education and workforces


Enabling clients, find employment,  work experience, work ethics, etc.


Enabling clients, find employment,  work experience, work ethics, etc.

Listuguj Mi'gmaq Development Centre

Support & Counselling

  • Helping you write a resume/cover letter​

  • Support in setting an educational or employment goal​

  • Provide you with information about the school​

  • Support with job search techniques

  • Job search and interview techniques

Contact our Career Counsellors for more information.

Red pen Feather scribles
Red pen Feather

Trainning Programs

View all of our Current Training & Programs available here


View all of our
vailable Workshops 


View all of our Professional Resources
available here


View all of our Professional Development Training available here

Are you thinking about additional training that would help increase your skills for a specific career? 

The LMDC develops, implements and coordinates local training programs and workshops, based on the needs of the community.


In addition, assistance is offered to the Eastern Shores School Board in the delivery of accredited vocational training programs in-community.

We offer a variety of training opportunities, contact us for more information.

Current Programs

Academic Upgrading

Looking to graduate to aquire a few more or missing credits ?

Vocational Training programs

Career-Specific skills for a broad range of occupations, enroll for a degree, apprenticeship, pre-appreticeship, certificate or diploma program. For convinient and flexible training option.

Can include: lab-based training, externship internships , in-class training, clinical rotations practicums

Type of vocationnal training availlable : secondary, apprenticeship programs, on-the-job training, post-secondary vocational training programs.

Professional Development

We offer a variety of Professional Development, such as:

  • CPR First Aid

  • ASP Construction Safety

  • Microsoft Office Training

  • And more based on demand

Professional Resources

We provide Clients with services to establish strategies for employment integration.


What we offer?


  • Counselling to help Clients make career choices; choose appropriate training; obtain and maintain employment, and more.

  • Provide assistance in writing a resume and a cover letter, and support Clients in the job search.

  • Information sessions dealing with self-awareness, job search techniques and interview techniques.

  • Maintain a bank of potential employers and candidates on the ALMASS software program.


Contact our Career Counsellors for more information.

Available Workshops

We offer a variety of workshops upon requests. Workshops such as:

Resume Writing

  •  Financial Fitness

  • And more based on demand

Upcoming ESSB Programs

ESSB logo


Organization, resources valuable 


Have a business idea ? 

Are you an organization that needs additional resources, and can provide valuable work experience?

Do you have a great business idea but need help getting it off the ground?

Job Creation Initiative

Provide Employers with incentives enabling clients to find employment and acquire career-related work experience.

Provide individuals with the opportunity to acquire work experience with colleagues and at the same time to be monitored by competent staff.

Allowing people having difficulty securing employment, access to professional and personal development programs; exposure to professional work ethics; and valued mentored work experience.

What do we do?

  • Please contribute to the employment of workers in danger of becoming chronically unemployed by providing them with work experience in areas offering the best career possibilities.

  • Offer work experience programs to unemployed persons to find a job.

Interested applicants can call us or send us a message.

Self-Employment Assitance

The Self-Employment Assistant program supports unemployed Listuguj Mi'gmaq wanting to create a job for themselves. They will be business based on an established business plan. They are to apply their efforts to accomplish their business.

Phase 1 - Pre-start-up:

Up to 10 weeks of assistance during which the client is able to complete small business training, test the business idea and/or obtain help in developing or reviewing their business plan.


Assistance may include:

  • Support for training in business start-up and development


Referral to external resources for:

  • Business plan development 

  • Professional advice for marketing

  • Accounting and financial management

  • Proof of viability of the business


Remain on Income Assistance, initiate Employment Insurance or receive a participant allowance.


B) Part 2 – Start-up:

To assist the client in implementing their business plan during the first year by providing participant allowance or funding assistance for external resources for follow up or support.


Assistance may include:

  • Initiation of Employment Insurance benefits OR

  • Weekly allowance (uninsurable)

  • Professional service expenses for follow-up and support


For more information on how to apply, contact us at 418-788-1347 and ask about Self Employment Assistance.

Adult Immersion

Siawinnui'sulti'gw Adult Mi'gmaw Immersion

Do you want to learn your language?
Do you have kids in the AGS Mi’gmaq Immersion program?


Well here's your chance to learn your language full-time!

Adult Mi'gmaq Immersion, Full-Time Opportunity

Apply Now!

Start Date: Every September

Applications are available at the Listuguj Mi'gmaq Development Centre (LMDC). 

For more information, contact: 

Jennifer labilois
Maddie Metallic

Adult Mi’gmaq Immersion Lead Instructor/ Project Coordinator


Job Posting


Meet The Team

Jennifer LaBillois-Metallic
Jennifer LaBillois-Metallic


Cheryl LaBillois
Cheryl LaBillois

Workforce Profiles & Labour Market Study Coordinator

Myrna Isaac
Myrna Isaac

Career & Employment Counselor (Off currently)

Sophie Delaney
Sophie Delaney

Community Services Worker / Interim Post-Secondary Career and Support Counselor

Dawn Germain-Metallic
Dawn Germain-Metallic

Adult Mi’gmaq Immersion Educational Assistant

Brian Martin
Brian Martin


Ruth Barnaby
Ruth Barnaby

Administrative Assistant

Nicholas Caissy
Nicholas Caissy

Workshop Coordinator / Employment Suports Counselor