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LED Communications

Snow Removal Contractors Needed for AGS

Interested snow removal contractors are invited to submit quotations to the Listuguj Education Directorate by noon on October 31, 2023. The quotation is to include the amount for the following services during workdays for either the Alaqsite'w Gitpu School (AGS) or AGS Base Camp:

Alaqsite'w Gitpu School

· Snow Removal for the AGS parking lot before 8:00 AM

· Including parking lot, all exit/entrances, bus drop-off, parking lot across Caplin Road, the loading dock area on the side and back of the building (new addition), and shop entrance

· Salt for the driveway and exits

· Snow removal of the AGS roof - twice during the season

Separate Hourly Contract (price per hour):

· Snow removal of dumped areas - twice during the season, if needed


Nipugtugewei Kindergarten Base Camp

· Snow removal is to be done at the Base Camp (near the paintball field) before 8:00 AM. This could include plowing the lake road from the GDS mill to the entrance of the base camp and base camp road. Including shovelling the entry into the base camp trailer.

· Salt for the driveway and exits

· Salt and sand on the road entering base camp and parking lot when needed

Separate Hourly Contract (price per hour):

· Snow removal of dumped areas - twice during the season, if needed

Quotations are to be brought to the attention of George Arsenault at the Education Complex, 1 Riverside East, Listuguj. If you have any questions, George can be reached at 418-788-2248 or by email at

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