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LETE Fall Events

LED Communications


26th - 29th – Enhancement Hosts Truth & Reconciliation Activities at SSHS

The LETE Enhancement Team at SSHS has a week of activities planned for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Students will share facts about Indian Residential Schools and their impacts as part of the morning announcements to help educate their peers. This week's activities include a blanket exercise for Grade 12 students, a Truth and ReconciliACTION Scavenger Hunt, art activities in the Culture Room during lunch, and a walk in honour of Orange Shirt Day.

26th - 30th – LETE Attends World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE) in Adelaide, Australia

LETE staff have safely landed in Adelaide, Australia, for WIPCE 2022. This conference will feature an exciting Indigenous education program of keynote presentations, networking, interactive workshops and discussion forums. LETE staff will participate in workshops led by First Nation presenters from Norway, Japan, South Africa, USA/Hawai'i, Costa Rica, Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia. For more information on the conference, visit

29th – Two Assemblies at AGS to Honour the Children for Orange Shirt Day

The Alaqsite'w Gitpu School will host two assemblies for students -- Nursery to Grade 4 and Grade 5 to Grade 8 -- in honour of Orange Shirt Day.

30th – LETE Buildings Closed for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)

Friday, September 30, is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day. All LETE buildings will be closed. Every year on this day, we recall Phyllis Webstad's story of her first day at residential school. Phyllis was so excited to wear a new shiny orange shirt to her first day of school, but it was taken from her upon arrival. It was never returned to her. The colour orange has always reminded her of that time, and everything else residential school took from her and her family. Phyllis is a third-generation residential school survivor - her grandmother and mother both attended residential school for ten years.

There were 140 federally run residential schools across Canada. They operated from 1831 to 1998 - the last school closing less than 25 years ago.

Please join us in wearing orange on Friday in honour of Indian Residential School survivors and all those who never made it home. Every child matters.

Wigewigu’s – Mi’gmaq History Month

3rd – LETE Buildings Closed for Treaty Day

Saturday, October 1st, is Treaty Day and the first day of Mi’gmaq History Month. All LETE buildings will be closed on Monday, October 3rd.

Treaty Day commemorates the signing and significance of the Peace and Friendship Treaties of the 1700s. These nation-to-nation agreements guarantee our right to trade, fish, and hunt while maintaining peaceful relationships. Carve out a few moments on Treaty Day and throughout the month to reflect on our treaty relationships and their original intent of peace and friendship.

5th - 7th – Ancestor's Challenge

The Ancestor's Challenge is coming back to AGS! This fun race includes 12 challenging obstacles that test students' speed, stamina, strength, agility and accuracy. Check out how well AGS did in last year's race compared to other First Nation schools:

10th – Closed for Thanksgiving

LETE buildings will be closed Monday, October 10th.

14th – Treaty Fair

The Alaqsite'w Gitpu School is hosting a Treaty Fair on October 14th. Students will prepare projects on what treaties and Mi'gmaq History Month mean to them. You're invited to check out their projects in the gym from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

18th - 21st – Tim Hortons Camp

LETE has organized a week-long trip for students at the Tim Horton's Camp in Tatamagouche, NS. We hope they enjoy their stay!

24th - 28th – AGS Moose Harvest Trip

The Outdoor Education Program is planning a moose harvesting trip for students. They will experience and learn from each aspect of the moose harvesting process.

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