UPDATE: The notice below has been updated to reflect changes to the LETE bussing schedule as of November 24, 2021.
Parents and guardians, please review the notice and bus chart below.
Listuguj Education, Training & Employment (LETE) wants to remind you of our bussing schedule that will begin Tuesday, September 13, 2021.
With covid restrictions still in place, it is important that we continue to limit the number of students per bus and maintain social distance as much as possible. Geographic sections will be assigned to each driver to help evenly distribute the students. This multiple-grade seating system will be more time and energy-efficient while also alleviating traffic.
There are 5 sections in total (A-E), spanning across Listuguj and Cross Point. Students in grades 1 to 8 will be assigned a bus according to section. Sections will proceed as follows (see attached map):
- Bus #3 Sylvie Roussel (A) - Bus #9 Ricky Brisk (C) - Bus #8 Mario Bujold (D) - Bus #4 Guy Lavoie (B, E & Cross Point)
Please note that students in grades 1 to 8 are required to wear masks on busses.
There are no changes to the following:
Mi’gmaq Nursery and Kindergarten (the only students located at the Education Complex) will not be affected, but this map will remain on their bus to avoid any confusion.
For those AGS parents/guardians dropping off their children and students walking, school starts at 8:20.
Campbellton students:
Two busses will remain on the same routes as usual in Campbellton - each picking up 50% of the students (East & West).
SSHS Listuguj students:
Two busses will cover the Listuguj East & West ends and are already on the multiple grade seating system, so there will be no change in those routes.