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LED Communications

Wildlife Protection Teaching Opportunities. Apply Now!

In January 2022, the Geligatmu’g Gmitginu - Wildlife Protection Officer Diploma Program began in Listuguj. Collège d’Alma, in collaboration with Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles are the institutes offering the courses at LMDC.

The Cégeps are now looking for qualified instructors for the following courses:

1. Mapping, this 45 hr course focuses on the use and updating of map data:


2. Emergency and Bioprotection Measures, 16 hours. Minimum qualification required: First aid and CPR instructor for CNESST certification.


3. Emergency and Bioprotection Measures, 44 hours


4. Drafting Techniques (147-FG1-AA), 30 hours, AK56 Drafting texts about one’s duties. Minimum qualification required: Bachelor’s degree in relevant field with two years of experience.


5. Drafting Techniques (147-FG1-AA), 30 hours, AK 54: Using a computer and electronic resources. Minimum qualification required: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a relevant field with two years of experience or DEC in Computer Science Technology or Office System Technology or Accounting and Management Technology with five years of experience.


6. Specialized Communication



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